Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Ways To Keep Your Septic Service Running Properly In Washington

By Mark Marabut

If the drains and waste system in your home do not function properly, you could experience some major difficulties. This system must be maintained to keep it running smoothly. Your Washington septic tank pumping service offers these handy tips for maintaining your waste system.

Check your plumbing system for leaks. A worn toilet flap or dripping faucet may not seem like much, but this is a constant source of water in the drain system. Your drain fields may eventually fill up and flood and when this happens, it can create some hazardous conditions.

If your lateral fields become overwhelmed, water will come to the top of the ground. This kind of water is not pleasant as it may have a terrible odor. A yard wet with lateral water is a hazard to people and pets. It also can poison local wildlife because of the dangerous bacteria it contains.

Conserve on water and you will help your drain system. For example, showers and faucets can be equipped with "low flow" adapters. They are not expensive and are very easy to install. To save water on toilet flushing, consider placing something in the tank (like a brick) to displace water.

Be careful about what is flushed down toilets, and you should use paper that easily breaks down. One should never flush disposable diapers or baby wipes. Keep cigarette butts and sanitary napkins out of the toilets, and when you clean the toilet use eco safe cleaners, so beneficial bacteria is not harmed.

When you rinse dishes never empty hot grease down the drain. If you use a garbage disposal, make sure it is one that grinds up garbage into fine bits (so garbage will decompose easily). You also need to keep tree roots from drains and avoid planting trees near your drain field. Plus, contact your Washington septic service about pumping out your tank at regular intervals, to avoid sludge build up.

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