Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Getting The Charity Avenue Inside The Way You Live

By Jefferey Glinski

If you read about somebody like Bruce Karatz, one of the first thing you're going to find is all the charitable work that they've done. During his time as a CEO of KB Home, and in his retirement from the company, he's been dedicated to helping his community. His outreach programs have done some incredible things too.

The charitable work of Phoenix House of California began while he was still the CEO of KB Home. The first thing that he did was to help out after hurricane Katrina. There were many homes that were totally destroyed in the aftermath, especially from flooding.

After the hurricane, almost nobody could afford anything. Most of their homes and lives totally flooded. The construction teams provided were instrumental at rebuilding homes that could be saved. But also helping to clear the wreckage for the homes that were ruined.

Another cool thing that KB Home did was on Extreme Home Makeover. You've probably seen the show before, and how they rebuild somebody's home at no cost to the owner. Well you need a company to cover that cost, and click through link did exactly that in one episode.

But of course, his work extends far beyond his time at KB Home. He's done a lot since, and you'll be amazed at the organizations he's started. Take the Keep Your Home Foundation for example.

Losing your home is a terrifying threat. So many people were left with mortgages that they had no possible way of paying off. But through the services of the KYHF he was able to help thousands of families stay in their homes.

Crime is another huge problem in California. With many involved in gangs, and seemingly no way to get out of the gang. Which is why HomeBoy Industries was formed. As a great way to provide gang members with a way out of the life by learning a trade and going to work for themselves.

Helping has always been in Bruce's blood. That's why he sits on several charitable boards. Providing help and aide to people all across America. There are almost too many to mention. But it's become a full time undertaking for Bruce. Now he spends literally every waking moment working for charities across the country.

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