Sunday, August 7, 2011

Mortgage Modification Programs: Mortgage Modification Can Help in Several Ways

By Ken Melblock

The current recession has had profound consequences especially to homeowners who now find themselves at their wits' end. Many are the families which have lost their homes not to mention the widespread instability caused by the spiraling inflation.

Overview of Loan Modification- Loan modification programs were designed to assist troubled homeowners. Foreclosure is a burden on lenders. It is unprofitable and time-consuming. With all options considered, they would rather modify your loan than take your house. Homeowners need to realize this, and do what they can to take advantage of the opportunity to modify their loans. Of course they will need to meet certain qualification requirements, but it is a viable option for millions of homeowners and their families. Before you can modify your loan, you need to show documentation proving your income, you financial hardship, and your ability to pay on a modified loan.

Foreclosures are not very attractive options for most banking and other lending institutions especially not in the face of this financial crisis. The mortgage modification scheme will let a homeowner have a suitable payment scheme so that they do spend a big chunk of their monthly income on meeting their mortgage payments. The net effect is a program that reduces your interest rates to as little as 2% and extends your repayment period to durations of up to 40 years.

However, it is not always easy to qualify for such mortgage modification programs. A small mess leads to automatic denial. Here is a list of facts to have under your belt to increase your chances of qualification.
The value of your home- You can use the internet tools and other resources to calculate the value of your home and show the lenders that it is less compared to the balance indicated in the mortgage loan. This can be achieved by sheer comparison of your house with a similar house in the neighborhood.

For tips and facts about how to get approved for a Mortgage Modification - Visit our simple, no nonsense loan modification guide.

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