You need a good credit score to get loans, credit cards, insurance, employment, etc. If you have a good credit score your interest rates on loans and credit cards is lower than with a poor credit score. Purchases such as a cell phone require a credit check and a poor credit score requires a hefty deposit on the cell phone plan. Employers may reject your application for poor credit, if you would work with undetermined amounts of money.
People never really think about all the things their credit score affect in their every day life. Your credit history will follow you all your life. If you never view your credit history, you will never know why your credit score is good or bad. Your credit report may have certain content that reflects badly against you.
Creditors and lenders may inadvertently enter the wrong information for your payment history, they may enter your name incorrectly leading back to someone else with a different social security number, but this still sends up a red flag. Some creditors may register you as a married individual when you are actually single. This usually happens because of living conditions.
Anyhow, it wouldn't be good for you if the name of the person you are "married" to has poor credit history. Although you can correct this error, you need to view your credit report annually to assure these records contain the correct information. Sometimes, you have to go to great extents to prove that there are errors on your credit report. There would have to be an investigation by the credit agency. If the information is found to contain errors, then the corrections will be done within 30 days.
A good credit score ranges from 550 to 850 points. The average person will have a credit score of about 650. You can make your credit score higher by checking if there are errors in your credit history and correcting them. Everything you find wrong on the credit report adds to your credit score.
If you've got lots of little charges, try to pay off each one right away. The more good credit you have the higher your credit score goes. If you try to increase your credit score by 50-100 points, it will help a lot when you apply for loans and credit cards. You will be able to get lower interest rates and insurance rates if you have a higher credit score.
People never really think about all the things their credit score affect in their every day life. Your credit history will follow you all your life. If you never view your credit history, you will never know why your credit score is good or bad. Your credit report may have certain content that reflects badly against you.
Creditors and lenders may inadvertently enter the wrong information for your payment history, they may enter your name incorrectly leading back to someone else with a different social security number, but this still sends up a red flag. Some creditors may register you as a married individual when you are actually single. This usually happens because of living conditions.
Anyhow, it wouldn't be good for you if the name of the person you are "married" to has poor credit history. Although you can correct this error, you need to view your credit report annually to assure these records contain the correct information. Sometimes, you have to go to great extents to prove that there are errors on your credit report. There would have to be an investigation by the credit agency. If the information is found to contain errors, then the corrections will be done within 30 days.
A good credit score ranges from 550 to 850 points. The average person will have a credit score of about 650. You can make your credit score higher by checking if there are errors in your credit history and correcting them. Everything you find wrong on the credit report adds to your credit score.
If you've got lots of little charges, try to pay off each one right away. The more good credit you have the higher your credit score goes. If you try to increase your credit score by 50-100 points, it will help a lot when you apply for loans and credit cards. You will be able to get lower interest rates and insurance rates if you have a higher credit score.
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